Key figures and their definitions

Key figures


Calculation of key figures



Operating profit (EBIT) + depreciation, amortisation and impairment

Adjusted EBITDA


EBITDA before items affecting comparability (IAC) *



Operating profit (EBIT) + amortisation and impairment

Adjusted EBITA


EBITA before items affecting comparability (IAC) *

Working capital


Inventories + trade and POC receivables + other current receivables - trade and POC payables - other current payables - advances received - current provisions

Interest-bearing net debt


Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents

Equity ratio (%)


Equity + non-controlling interest x 100

Total assets - advances received

Gearing ratio (%)


Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and cash equivalents x 100

Shareholder’s equity + non-controlling interest

Return on equity, %


Result for the period x100

Total equity (average of the figures for the accounting period)

Average number of employees


The average number of employees at the end of previous financial year and of each calendar month during the accounting period

Earnings / share, basic


Result for the financial year (attributable for equity holders) – hybrid capital expenses and accrued unrecognised interests after tax

Weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period

Earnings / share, diluted


Result for the financial year (attributable for equity holders) – hybrid capital expenses and accrued unrecognised interests after tax

Weighted average number of shares, dilution adjusted

Equity per share


Shareholders’ equity

Number of outstanding shares at the end of the period

Dividend per share


Dividend per share for the period

Adjustment ratios of share issues during the period and afterwards

Dividend per earnings (%)


Dividend per share x 100

Earnings per share

Effective dividend yield (%)


Dividend per share x 100

Share price on December 31

Price/earnings ratio (P/E ratio)


Share price on December 31

Earnings per share

Average price


Total EUR value of all shares traded

Average number of all shares traded during the accounting period

Market capitalisation


(Number of shares – treasury shares) x share price on the closing date

Share turnover


Number of shares traded during the accounting period

Share turnover (%)


Number of shares traded x 100

Average number of outstanding shares

Organic growth


Defined as the change in revenue in local currencies excluding the impacts of (i) currencies; and (ii) acquisitions and divestments. The currency impact shows the impact of changes in exchange rates of subsidiaries with a currency other than the euro (Group’s reporting currency). The acquisitions and divestments impact shows how acquisitions and divestments completed during the current or previous year affect the revenue reported.

* Items affecting comparability (IAC) are material items or transactions, which are relevant for understanding the financial performance of Caverion when comparing the profit of the current period with that of the previous periods. These items can include (1) capital gains and/or losses and transaction costs related to divestments and acquisitions; (2) write-downs, expenses and/or income from separately identified major risk projects; (3) restructuring expenses and (4) other items that according to Caverion management’s assessment are not related to normal business operations.

Adjusted EBITDA is affected by the same adjustments as adjusted EBITA, except for restructuring costs, which do not include depreciation and impairment relating to restructurings.