Current digital status of a building is the basis for its future capabilities

In the future, more intelligence will be required from real estate. As our society shifts towards the increased use of renewable energy sources, the availability of energy will fluctuate. We already have seen this lately with sharp energy spikes.

Buildings use around 40% of the energy consumed in the EU, so it is important that the energy use of buildings can be timed to the point at which affordable clean energy is available. Intelligent technology enables energy flexibility, usage-based technical building system control - and much more.

The Smart Readiness Indicator has been developed as part of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD 2018/844/EU). The indicator can be used to assess the current state of the property's intelligence, i.e.: its smart readiness. In practice, SRI calculations are performed by real estate and energy professionals.

SRI consultation is a nutshell

At Caverion, we have developed our own SRI consultation model, in which we identify key areas for development, and create a prioritized list of measures to increase building intelligence, in addition to evaluating the current smart readiness of the building. Once a building’s smart capabilities have been determined, the necessary measures to improve the property’s intelligence can be planned, scheduled, and budgeted for.

Example of the SRI calculation results

Caverion SRI consultation piloting the EU SRI calculation tool does not lead in an internationally or nationally recognised actual score or any type of certificate for a building.

Measures from real-life

Here are few examples of measures identified in real-life cases. The measures have improved the capabilities of the buildings to meet current and future needs.

More efficient maintenance and energy savings:

  • Integration of lighting with building automation and verifying correct occupancy information
  • Prevention of simultaneous cooling and heating with intelligent building automation
  • Limiting the peak electrical power of the property
  • Development of analytics functions for building automation systems

Better readiness to respond to the needs of the energy grid:

  • Installation of area and/or technology-specific consumption meters
  • Estimating the demand elasticity potential of a property
  • Limiting the intake power of electric car charging stations to reduce the power peak

More comfort, ease, and well-being:

  • Implementation of a property management system, including monitoring of occupancy rates, conditions and definition of KPIs
  • Utilisation of audiovisual solutions to inform users: e.g., space reservation system with door screen displays and necessary warnings and instructions for displays in public spaces

The SRI consultation is a quick and simple procedure to find out the current smart readiness of your property. You will get the most out of the consultation when the one who carries out the assessment is also able to implement the proposed enhancement actions. We are happy to help, contact us and let’s discuss further!

The method for calculating the SRI is based on the multi-criteria assessment method defined in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/2155 of 14 October 2020, which is supplementing Directive (EU) 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council by establishing an optional common European Union scheme for rating the smart readiness of buildings C/2020/6930. 

Buildings and blue sky

Practical guide to the SRI consultation

The Caverion SRI Consultation helps you achieve your sustainability targets by evaluating the current digital status of your building and providing a roadmap for future investments. Download our practical guide to understand what implications and opportunities the SRI consultation has for your properties. 

Download a free guide


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